Sunday, August 9, 2009

They're after me...

I tossed. I turned. It was dark. The Blogmen were after me.... again! They were many. I was but one. I had displeased them.... Again! They were small but seemed huge. Were there ten, were there twenty? I was too panicked to tell. Menacing, masked, their capes flowing. Bigger, smaller, bigger, smaller. They were like a font that keeps changing sizes... I couldn't get a fix on them. Then WHAM!!! It happened. Swish - swish - swish !! With that whirring sound I was marked, I was bleeding. The razor sharp rapier had grazed my nipple as the "B" was etched upon my night clothes.

"Please! NOoooooo!!!" I cried out with futility.
Why aren't they Zlogmen, I wondered, as I stared down at my chest. Z's are so symmetrical, so simple, like Zorro... Z's hit the top of the chest, then between the breasts, and then across the stomach. B's are so messy... Often grazing both nipples, even with the most expert of swordsmen... as they had with me, beeds of blood draining from my left nipple. But it didn't really hurt, or did it, after all this was a dream, a nightmare, only my emotions were scarred. I had displeased them once again....
"Meoooowwwww...!" he said with a grin after the dirty deed. They speak cat, I thought. How appropriate. Then it hit me, this was no dream, this was Boo, slicing me impatiently for his early morning breakfast. Boo was the masked bandit. Boo (his true name must not be revealed for fear of password-cracking) was extending his claws once again with that intense look of hunger, merciless, cruel as the morning sun breeched the horizon. The pain of daily life hit me once again.

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