Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fear of Blogs

If anyone out there has been checking out this blog at all they may have noticed: "What's up with no new posts?"  Just anther silly one or two post blogger!  Amateur!  That's right.  I am.  

Truth is - I have a fear of blogs yet a budding curiosity too...  Cuz after all, what if anything I say can and will be used against me in a court of law !?!  Huh???

So I feel the need for a disclaimer here... Anything I say in this blog CANNOT BE USED AGAINST ME IN A COURT OF LAW.  Your reading this blog shall presuppose that you agree with this, OK?  Like what if I say I killed somebody?  NO matter - I probably meant that I just said that cuz I clobbered somebody over the head with a good insult or something.  Unless you find a body you can pretty much assume I was just saying that for no good reason. OK? Right. Cuz after all I am the kind of person who wouldn't hurt a fly, right? Right. You got it. 'Nuf said.


OK, so I killed a fly today. In fact I am something of a fly psychopath/serial killer. (Not really of course.... well maybe.... but no bodies have ever been recovered by the authorities, so I am free and clear right?  Right.) And IF I did it, it was not really premeditated.  Just a reflex, cuz his/her germs were bugging me.  And I feel really bad for his/her family and all.   (NOT!! They're just a bunch of freakin' flys....)

as always,


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Gecko is Dead !

We knew it was only a matter of time... No one lives forever - not even the GEICO gecko...

Those TV ads ?? Pre-recorded. They are hiding his demise from a public that can't take any more bad news...

GEICO did nothing to protect him - no bodyguards, no personal staff.... A travesty !! And now they claim that this is the body of some other gecko in Fluffy's mouth... Sadly, they are lying to us. Let this be a lesson - being a car insurance spokes-gecko just doesn't pay !!

For TRUTH - dial Bonificent.

Wednesday the 28th of May

There is much you must still learn.

My saga began long ago and yet you are only mid-stream in the endless days of my mysterious existence. To make matters worse, it is Wednesday as I start this blog.

Yes - Wed-nes-day - NOT Whens-day - but rather that middle day of the work-week, oddly spelled with a "wed-ness" you do not feel nor do you pronounce...

Aha! you say. The Bonificent One has been revealed as a working stiff. And still, there is much you do not know. It is a strange day, this one. You shall see.

Stay tuned. It has begun.