Saturday, April 3, 2010

Twas nice...

It twas nice to know the Follett girls could still kick up a fuss. We descended on Key West in pieces. I was first to arrive and to wonder why that nice Cuban family was standing atop the entrance to the little airport terminal building. I looked at flyers for various Key West attractions while awaiting the next to arrive. An hour later 2 more middle-aged white ladies pulled in from the tarmac. By cellphone texts we found the other two had missed their flight and were not able to fly in until later. So after a bit of stressing we hailed a cab and arrived minutes later at our condo rental. A nice young security guard from North Dakota checked us in and we did a brief tour of our luxury condo.

It didn’t take long to realize we needed some booze. So we headed off and walked a couple blocks down to our local Irish pub. Downed a few there, had some great food and then it was off to the liquor store !! Laden with bags of wine and beer and chips, we hobbled back on foot to the condo, soon to be joined by the last stragglers. Having not been all together in one place for the last few years, the cackling was soon to start.

The booze and cigarettes flowed on the spacious veranda overlooking the pool and beach below. The quiet condo community was soon to feel as though nails were screeching on a blackboard. A few hoots turned into alot of hoots and a few light cackles relaxed into the full blown synchronized cackles of five 50’s something old ladies. And by God it was almost 11:00 at night and neighbors began to call out “Shut up!!!!” and similar fare.

Soon our cute little security guard was knocking on our door trying to explain how we had to keep it down, there were old people who needed their sleep and such. Old people? We had all become accustomed to thinking we were old, could there really be people out there older than ourselves? People who preferred to sleep at 11:00 at night? Suddenly we each came to our own epiphanies that we still had it… Yes, we still had it after all… that God-given ability to irritate the rest of the world while simultaneously enjoying each other’s company to an apparently unacceptable degree! How splendid !